Gianmario Voria

gvoria [at] unisa [dot] it

Software Engineer, Researcher

In 2023, I graduated magna cum laude with a Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University of Salerno, specializing in Software Engineering and IT Management. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at the same university, where my research focuses on Fairness Engineering in Machine Learning systems and the Social Awareness in Software Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Fabio Palomba and Prof. Gemma Catolino.

Latest News

  • • New resarch paper accepted at ICSE-SEIS 2025: "From Expectation to Habit: Why Do Software Practitioners Adopt Fairness Toolkits?".
  • • New resarch paper "RECOVER: Toward the Automatic Requirements Generation from Stakeholders' Conversations" submitted (preprint).




Research Activities

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